First Cedar Waxwing ever in our backyard! They have a creepy high pitched song.

First Cedar Waxwing ever in our backyard! They have a creepy high pitched song.
Sorry, I’m not selling my X100V. I’ve had it since Sep 2021, and I only had to wait 2 months to get it. It’s great.
DPReview: “Can’t find a Fujifilm X100V? What are the alternatives?”…
Spotted our first Marsh Wren today at the Sacramento Wildlife Refuge. That vertical tail is something else. #Birds #MarshWren #Fujifilm
It has been a week. Today, introvert me gets what it needs and now I’m alone for a bit. Always difficult balancing my needs with my assumed & expressed wishes of others, even loved ones.
Annie the Cat taking in a big dose of sunlight (again, but cuter this time). I hope she shakes her sinus infection soon.
Photographed our first Downy woodpecker today. #Birds #BirdWatching #DownyWoodpecker #Fujifilm
Here’s Annie the Cat enjoying some fresh air. She’s been sick but we’re fighting through it. #caturday
Our young “New Century” Asian Pear tree is in full bloom. Our “Hosui” Asian Pear isn’t mature enough to flower and cross pollinate. Maybe next year!
Not long from now is Summer. Better get our fresh baked sourdough fix while we can!
I went to Shasta Dam today for a work thing. I think I overheard they may have opened a controlled spillway gate today? Gorgeous day. Water levels are as high as I’ve ever seen them.
Just got some pea sized hail in Orland, CA. #CaWX to close. I loath Amazon even more now. I wish DPReview employees the very best. The site was my go-to for everything photography.
Korean Air 777-3 HL7204 from ICN on approach to SFO on January 21, 2023. #AvGeek #PlaneSpotting #AviationPhotography #Fujifilm
I’m getting more sore that MS still don’t have a macOS Bedrock edition. Surely the market is bigger there‽ I end up running Windows in VMWare 🤮
Microsoft is bringing Minecraft to Chromebooks…
1.5 inches of rain so far today in Orland, CA. 😬#CaWX
I didn’t lose an hour of sleep but I sure did lose a precious hour of weekend daytime activities.
First bloom of our a front yard Ceanothus today. So many more to come. So. Many.
The iOS Parcel app doesn’t write expected delivery dates to an iCloud calendar but only to a local calendar. So I just created a Shortcut Automation that runs at 9am daily, copying Parcel created events to an iCloud calendar (shared with my wife). No way to share Personal Automations so here’s a screenshot.
The iOS Parcel app doesn’t write expected delivery dates to an iCloud calendar but only to a local calendar. So I just created a Shortcut Automation that runs at 9am daily, copying Parcel created events to an iCloud calendar (shared with my wife). No way to share Personal Automations so here’s a screenshot.