Earlier this month: When in Munich, you must ride the catfish?

Earlier this month: When in Munich, you must ride the catfish?
Before our trip to Germany, I pruned the first big leaves off a sunflower because they were shading out a pepper. Now the sunflower has a flower near each prune cut. Great for attracting bees to our peppers!
6/12: in a forest southwest of Bautzen, Saxony, Germany.
Gray Hairstreak butterfly on one of our pepper plants.
6/14: Minerals under ultraviolet light at the Freiberg Mineral Exhibition.
6/14: Freiberg Mineral Exhibition at Freudenstein Castle. An exquisite collection.
I emergency bought a Ratio 6 coffee maker after my old Ninja broke. Best of all, and I didn’t know about this, @RatioCoffee just refunded the cost ‘cuz I won their drawing 🎉 can’t remember the last time I won anything this good!
June 6 in Munich.
June 6, 2022: the higher regional court building in Munich (Oberlandesgericht München).
Germany trip recap: some 787-9 photos while boarding FRA-DEN. I love it when boarding is at a stand and not a gate.
Our peppers exploded. Best yields ever. Already we roasted some shishitos to go with quesadillas. 🌱
We concluded our trip to Germany. It ended nicely despite the current upheaval of travel. Best unexpected thing to happen was the captain of the United 787-9 we flew on back to the States let me snap photos of the flight deck! Heaven.
Hello my first ever 787 flight! 🛫EDDF🛬KDEN🥳
I’m thrilled with this view of Frankfurt International from my hotel room. Great place to end this trip.
Countryside of Saxony, Germany. Barley fields!
Obligatory photo of surfers at the Eisbachwelle in Munich’s English Garden.
Eurasian Coots in the Pagodenburger See at the Schloss Nymphenburg in Munich.
Gorgeous dragonfly in the backyard today. Lucked out with the lighting.
A very comfy Eurasian Collared Dove. Glad our backyard can be a refuge from the neighborhood outdoor cats
Peppers are on the way! 🌱
A few more photos of the #EdwardFire in Orland, CA today. Fortunately our house was never in danger. Sad that this fire was likely preventable with mere common sense about mowing. A few homes were lost. #EFire
Elderberries are ripening already. And there’s so many more in the hopper! 🌱
One front yard clump California Fuchsias is blooming. This one is always a month ahead of the others. Not pictured, but our yarrow is flowering too. And the Toyon is still very popular with all kinds of pollinators. Meanwhile our neighbor struggled with a gas powered lawnmower.🌱
Backyard is looking good. Peppers & tomatoes are flowering. The elderberries are still flowering.
Our grapes are getting plump real fast. And our volunteer conifers are super happy. They grew several inches this year. 🌱🌳
Baby “Bacon” variety avocados! Latest date I’ve seen berries on this tree. Let’s see if they’ll survive summer and winter. 🌱🌳
Probably going to have a bumper crop of figs this year! Last year was meager. 🌱🌳
Spotted a Hooded Oriole in the front yard as we we started an after lunch walk. What luck. A first!
More of this rain please.
Our front yard Toyon (first photo) and Yarrow (2nd photo) are blooming. Just the California buckwheat and the California fuchsias are left to bloom. 🌱