
Trees & rocks. πŸ₯Ύ

Mount Lassen. πŸ₯Ύ

I neglected to post a photo of Lassen National Park’s Brokeoff Mountain. The hike to its summit was πŸ‘ŒπŸ₯Ύ

I love a sun-dappled wet meadow with accenting volcanic rocks! Yesterday, on the trail to Brokeoff Mountain in Lassen National Park.πŸ₯Ύ

Today: Mount Lassen from Brokeoff Mountain.πŸ₯Ύ

A front yard native garden update! Fuchsias & Cal Buckwheat are still flowering. Coyote bushes are struggling to flower (tiny pollinators love them). The Blue Oak has no complaints. Poppies & yarrow are back after a couple of soggy thunderstorms. Toyon barely has berries.

Praying Mantis on the grapevine. 🐝

Patecones are πŸ‘ŒπŸ΄

Worth the tens cents for the bag. 🐈

Flu shot season!

The Annie Cat enjoying her heated bed that comes out every fall. 🐈

Another very good Praying Mantis hanging out in my front yard. 🐝

This Preying Mantis (or others like her) has been hanging out on one of our California wild grape vines for a few days now. It’s lovely to have critters take refuge in our plants. 🐝

California Wild Rose (Rosa californica) flowers are incredibly fragile. This backyard plant became quite happy when I added it to the drip irrigation.🐞

This β€œBeauty” Japanese plum has been quite temperamental. No idea if it should be defoliated by now - happened last year too. Too much water? Sensitive to daylight time? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸŒ³

Good morning!

Piano repair in Flatiron.

This crisp very low IBU Montauk Summer Ale is what I needed this warm late summer evening on Long Island, NY.

Love how Mott Street in China Town (Manhattan) curves out of sight like a movie set.

I wanted all of the knishes.

Gorgeous day on the Brooklyn Bridge. Walked from Penn Station to Atlantic Terminal. Knishes, Lotus Seed Paste Cake, Ruebins, and Cheese Cake were devoured along the way.

JFK, New York. Scene from last night: a traffic jam in the hourly garage. Was treated to a horn serenade near midnight. Was kinda funny though the pay booth operator was clearly having a bad night w/ technical difficulties.

Snow Mountain and St. John mountain are looking pretty good after yesterday’s rain.

The audio sync feature on Apple’s tvOS 13 is πŸ‘Œ Also, here’s a🌈 🌈

My almost 2 year old plum is so fickle. It’s senescing early. After digging into the soil, I think it is water deprived. So trying adding 1 gallon per hour emitter as 0.5 gallon per hour emitters are not delivering nearly enough water. I’m also annoyed at the borer bugs.

Urban prescribed fire πŸ”₯. Provides volunteer fire department training and reduces city blight & fine fuels in vacant lots.

Epilobium canum (California Fuchsia) keeping pollinators, including hummingbirds, happy.

Mantis enjoying the accommodations of our little Blue Oak.

Anna’s Hummingbirds fighting over native fuchsias!

Bye bye Nest Thermostat Gen 1. Hello ecobee3 lite! I revised the Nest’s fancy screws to avoid drywall anchors β€” critical as the drywall is backed by 2x4s. Super easy install with the common wire I enabled last weekend.