Ortho4XP on macOS Ventura

Ortho4XP has some code that’s been deprecated in the latest Python 3 Shapely and Numpy.

You’ll need to downgrade Shapely to version 1.8.5. On my Mac after following the Big Sur installation instructions (I’m running Ventura):

pip3 install shapely==1.8.5

After that you’ll need to go through the source files and replace numpy.bool to just bool and then numpy.float to just float (I used bbedit). This is probably safer than downgrading numpy.

Python files that need this should include:

/Ortho4XP-master/src/ O4_DEM_Utils.py O4_DSF_Utils.py O4_Airport_Utils.py O4_Vector_Map.py

I think that’s all I did and it seems to be working for me now.

A X-Plane 12 Toliss A340-600 in Lufthansa livery (mostly white with a blue tail and logo at the body) flying south of Pinnacles NP, where orthophotography has hilly terrain and farm land. There’s scattered clouds below the aircraft casting some shadows.
