Better B&W Recipe Detection and exif Keywords added to macOS "What was my Fujifilm Recipe" Shortcut

I know that many people choose Fujifilm cameras for black and white photography. I hadn’t explored B&W photography yet so the original macOS “What was my Fujifilm Recipe” didn’t include one specific B&W recipe ingredient: BWAdjustment (Warm/Cool aka WC). So to better match black and white recipes, I’ve added the BWAdjustment exif tag that includes Warm/Cool (WC). Unfortunately, Magenta & Green (MG) setting for black and white toning doesn’t seem to be available in exiftool. So only WC is in BWAdjustment. Despite that, BWAdjustment with Saturation and White Balance should help make B&W film recipes to be a bit more unique for matching.

Finally, this latest Shortcut now can be silenced and keywords can be added to a photo that has a recipe match. By default, the Shortcut will add to a photo separate keywords “Film Recipe” and the matched Recipe name. During setup you can override this by deleting AddKeyword or changing it to anything else. The shortcut also now allows you to disable alerts in case you need it to be silent such as for scripting/further automation. You can override this in setup by deleting NoAlerts or changing it to anything else.

Go to the macOS Film Recipe Shortcut page or download the updated shortcut here:

Apple iOS Shortcuts Fujifilm X