I dislike Instagram’s new suggested posts. It is a new source of anxiety in that I might see something I try to avoid. Instagram is in solid FB territory now but is all I have to maintain connections with friends and family. Maybe it’s not worth it now.

Martin Feld

@kurite If you ever devide that you want to pull the plug on Instagram, in case you’re unaware it is possible to import all of your photos from there into Micro.blog. 😀

Katherine M. Moss

@martinfeld One social network I have never had any desire to be a part of. Amen.

Martin Feld

@cambridgeport90 When it started in October 2010, I loved it. Sunlit (for Micro.blog) feels a lot like Instagram did in the early days... a clean and simple way of viewing your friends’ photos. That was it! 😀

Katherine M. Moss

@martinfeld it seems like a lot of the fun has been taken out of these things. It’s awful.

Martin Feld

@cambridgeport90 The moment that advertisements creep into a network, its purpose is completely changed.

Katherine M. Moss

@martinfeld I swear ... if all social networks had a subscription fee associated with them ... I would pay it. I recently joined pnut.io. Proud to support them. Why can't Twitter do that? Why not Facebook? Not to mention, their hostility towards APIs.

Martin Feld

@cambridgeport90 Absolutely! I would happily pay for a version of Twitter that retained a chronological timeline and didn’t have ads. Micro.blog has become that for me and regarding Twitter, Twitterrific is sort of there, except for the dropped notification APIs to which you alluded.

Ryan Mikulovsky

@martinfeld I was completely unaware of that. I will look into that.

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