The Annie Cat in a bag.

black and white cat peering out of a paper bag

Today was the first taste of the Bravarian Hefeweizen home-brew and it is an unqualified success. This second brew is better carbonated (first was borderline flat) and it is more flavorful than Hank’s Hefeweizen. Both kits were from

Wheat beer with several inches of foam. It is on a wooden cutting board and a bottle opener is in front of it. ATP is the logo on the beer.

California Scrub-Jays carefully inspecting our just planted peppers and tomatoes🌱

Happy I got the last batch of beer fermented before this upcoming insane heat wave. We’re transplanting our peppers and tomatoes today. Rob Mayeda on Twitter: “…Temps as much as +20 > average with records in reach (1/2) #CAwx 🌡️🥵”

Good morning, Waffle! 🧇

a just cooked golden brown waffle being extracted from the waffle maker

Colors balance shift is a key part of Film recipes so my Shortcut would fail to match as white balance would inexplicably reset via Q. Fujifilm found the bug too: “bug has been fixed, which caused that WB SHIFT saved as ‘CUSTOM’ would be disabled by operating the ’Q’ menu.”

Hefeweizen bottling day. Here’s my factory. This’ll be the last brew until winter as I don’t use much air conditioning or have a fridge for fermenting. I’m quite happy with seasonal brewing. It’s kinda stressful!

three TV trays arranged around a chair with various bottling implements.

Avocado flowers! 🌱🌳

understated avocado flowers with barely any sepals. two flies are enjoying the plant.ladybugs enjoying the avocado tree.

Assassin bugs are bad ass. They seem to be more common than ever in our yards. They’re also not camera shy. We welcome them!

assassin bug with a speared bug... and dead bugs around it. assassin bug with a speared bug... and dead bugs around it.

Lessons learned: in MSFS 2020, never change flight phases if flight plan is manually input to FMS. Super lame because the Plan UI doesn’t let you select transitions, VIAs & airways so its IFR plans are 100% bonkers. Also saved flights don’t seem to save my FMS programming. 😤

Finally got to the season two, episode two of Picard 😳 what a great premise

Only 4% of Flight Simulator players have completed an Instrument Landing System landing‽ Clearly I’m too nerdy for this game.

Poppies (1st photo) are now in full bloom and clarkias (2nd) are about to do the same. 🌱

front yard landscape with golden poppiesmagenta clarkia flowers

Recent mornings, our cultivated native California grape leaf tips have droplets of water. Apparently this process is called guttation. They’re likely telling me to cut back on way earlier than normal drip watering. 🌱

chocolate chip cookies on a cooking rack with a spatula looming behind them

Now in bloom in our backyard: cultivated California Wild Roses (pic 1) and Elderberry (2). Still gorging themselves: ladybugs. Everywhere in our front yard. They’re just decimating aphids. Ladybugs particularly love coyote bush (3) and sage.

wild rose flower with white flower petalsyellow elderberry flowersbright orange ladybugs all over a coyote bush

Latest Shortcuts for macOS Has Vast Improvements

What's new in Shortcuts in iOS 15.4 and macOS 12.3: “End If” and “End Repeat” can now be dragged in the Shortcuts editor That’s a big deal. I’ve abandoned attempts at refactoring shortcuts solely because I couldn’t move entire blocks of If statements. “Combine Images” no longer produces empty images on macOS I ran into this bug right away and couldn’t believe it.  The "Shortcuts Events"

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Here goes my second brew - a simple Bavarian Hefeweizen. With way warmer than normal temperatures I figure our house will be close to or within the ideal fermentation temperature range. 🤞

Eurasian Collared Dove drinking party.

Potatoe croquettes for lunch today. Great use of leftover mashed potatoes.

plated golden brown croquettes with one cut open, revealing fluffy white potatoes and chives