Peppers & tomatoes (fortunately many of the delicious fruit do not have end rot) are ripening and we’re harvesting every few days now.

Hot air balloons behind our house this last Saturday. Not common at all & a delight to see.

From early June: rain over Munich’s Olympiapark.

All is not great in our garden though. We still have a heck of a time with end rot on our tomatoes despite amendments with calcium. Into the compost these went! 🌱

Pepper garden update🌱

garden path with ripening peppers on both sides and a glorious sunflower at the end of the trail

How the Yurok Tribe is bringing back the California Condor - On ArsTechnica

With insanity at European airports I’m thankful our early June trip to Germany was nearly flawless. We 😷managed to not get Corona (we tested ourselves before leaving though the US lifted that requirement while we were there). Almost 4 years of planning! Photo is Frankfurt Intl

Aircraft at Frankfurt terminals

Beetle killed trees in Saxony, Germany.

On my Mac Mini I have NetNewsWire pulling Tweets by specific users. Meanwhile, I’ve set my eero to block Twitter on my mobile devices. With NetNewsWire’s iCloud sync, NetNewsWire on mobile devices gets those tweets for me to read. Terrific way to reduce my Twitter use.

Earlier in June: on a trail to Oybin, Saxony, Germany. Saxony has the best sandstone.

Earlier this month: When in Munich, you must ride the catfish?

Before our trip to Germany, I pruned the first big leaves off a sunflower because they were shading out a pepper. Now the sunflower has a flower near each prune cut. Great for attracting bees to our peppers!

6/12: in a forest southwest of Bautzen, Saxony, Germany.

mountain biker crossing a stream under forest cover

Gray Hairstreak butterfly on one of our pepper plants.

6/14: Minerals under ultraviolet light at the Freiberg Mineral Exhibition.

6/14: Freiberg Mineral Exhibition at Freudenstein Castle. An exquisite collection.

lit mineral specimens in a dark hall with two people enjoying the sights

I emergency bought a Ratio 6 coffee maker after my old Ninja broke. Best of all, and I didn’t know about this, @RatioCoffee just refunded the cost ‘cuz I won their drawing 🎉 can’t remember the last time I won anything this good!

June 6 in Munich.

June 6, 2022: the higher regional court building in Munich (Oberlandesgericht München).

Germany trip recap: some 787-9 photos while boarding FRA-DEN. I love it when boarding is at a stand and not a gate.