Used to be ddclient for dynamic DNS updates required

web-skip=’IP Address:’
when checking the web for the WAN IP. But uh, seems like that’s been breaking my ddclient updates for a while now. Troubleshooting showed that removing web-skip in ddclient.conf fixes the problem.

Covid booster ✅ Flu shot ✅

06:54 AM and was 82°F & rising in the backyard here in Orland, CA. Amazing.

screenshot of my backyard weather station data

beestat says it’s too hot for the A/C to keep up. It’s also a Smart Day / which means we need save energy. That’s easy: increase the AC from 77°F to 83°F.

Got a proposal back from a contractor. It includes a ducted mini split which is a new concept to me and they are awfully tempting. Seems to be better in almost every way than than a classic American-style central heat pump system.

Pacific Gas & Electric SmartDay today and I bet tomorrow, too. Between 1600-2100, we’ll be setting our A/C to “away” and being more mindful of our general electrical use. For the greater good!

For the next week, ~record hot temperatures! Once again, time to protect our Hosui Asian Pear’s central leader with shade cloth. I had to lash an old pruned apricot branch to the tree stake for height for the shade cloth. The tree put on several inches in the last week! 🌱

hosui pear covered by shade clothupcoming weather from WeatherStrip app

Had a standoff tonight. White had just rolled the double sixes.

Seems the first contractor I asked for an estimate from for a heat pump ghosted me. Takes a lot out of me for me to call anyone and have them in my home so I’m probably more dismayed than most would be.

Hope this leaf bursting bud on the central leader of my young Asian pear tree survives today’s max 114° heat in Northern California. A few more days of this too.

Smoke from the Six Rivers Lightning Complex earlier this morning creeping in towards our home in the North Sacramento Valley. It’s now smellably (😜) here.

We’re very happy with Trader Joe’s Bavarian Bratwurst. Pretty close to Nürnberger style but much bigger. Of course we had no choice but to prepare it as part of Currywurst.

Plated currywursttrader Joe's bavarian style bratwurst label

For All Mankind finale was a heck of a roller coaster. Woah.

Our home heat and air conditioning is 18 years old. We were planning on replacing it with a heat pump & now with the Inflation Reduction Act passing & Europe going all in on heat pumps, it’s time to get in on this before supply becomes a bigger problem.

Guess my endless tweaks to my drip schedules with the Rachio sprinkler controller are paying off. We used 9000 gallons last two months (150 gallons per day in & outdoor). I even added emitters this year! Last year that period had 14000 gallons.

These backyard figs look good but they’re not sweet. We dried them out and plan on using them in a bake in a week or so.

M4.3 earthquake SE of Orovolle, CA occurred at 18:41 Pacific. I didn’t feel it. @raspishake #ShakeNet

Super happy with our peppers this year. Best harvest ever (and much more to pick). Mostly serranos in the bowl. Love ripe peppers. Can’t get those at the market where we live.

Based on my spreadsheet, it’s time to replace our ~20 year old A/C & nat gas heater with a new heat pump. Nat gas is now almost as expensive as electric per BTU (assumes heating seasonal perf factor of 9.5). No surprise gas cost is rapidly 📈. Just got to get thru summer.

Introverts that have to go to the office at least once a week find fridays amazing. Or at least I do. Fridays in the office: Empty - The Washington Post