Went to New Clairvaux Vineyard (home of Trappist-Cistercian monks) to pick up our first wine club order. It’s such a nice grounds.
Sierra Nevada Brewing’s Narwhal Imperial Stout is really good.

Thoughts on Heat Pump Heating
Saturday, November 5, 2022
The weather chilled enough that our new Fujitsu 36LMAS heat pump is fully operational transferring outdoor heat into the house (during the cooling season it does the opposite). Our equipment continues to be amazingly quiet, quite unlike the natural gas furnace the heat pump replaced. It’ll be interesting to compare costs with last winter, though heating a house with a fully variable heat pump doesn’t work the same as a single cycle furnace.
Going to try Northern Brewer's Phat Tyre Ale Extract Beer Recipe Kit this Winter. Will be the first time with secondary fermentation.
Fujifilm X Raw Studio for macOS crashed on launch the last few weeks. Worked fine with other user accounts. Eventually I nuked the right crumbs to stop the crash: saved application state!
0.34” of rain today! Finally, the rainy season has begun in California. 🤞
So Slate is suddenly increasing their subscription from $59 a year to $119. And I can’t find the cancel button fast enough. Oh wait, it is missing despite the FAQ saying it exists! Poor form, Slate. I’m sure there’s another news org not doing shenanigans to customers.
Go away, Bolsonaro.
Region appropriate milkweed seeds sown today. Hope we get enough rain to avoid regular irrigation for germination and establishment. 🌱

I’m slowly understanding Mastodon and I’m sure happy that I chose micro.blog a while ago. Wish that searching for Mastodon users wasn’t out of the way on the Discover page.
Replaced a leaky toilet valve this morning. Now that have had quite enough low grade anxiety & I feel accomplished, time to be extra lazy.

More signs of Fall with flocks of birds migrating overhead.

And here I thought we had a neighbor operating a wood stove for heat. Ugh.
Barn fire with spread to vegetation - Hwy 99W, Orland
Thumbs up on Apple’s Shared Photo Library. We set it up to start with photos starting on 10/24, skipped the Moments, and set it to Manual. Now our Camera apps are set to Shared Library and everything is working very well. It did take quite a while to configure the shared library.

Found European Fanta at World Market yesterday, and it goes very well with pizza. Fanta being slightly sweet and made using actual juice is so good.

Software documentation is usually neglected. So I’m super impressed that ToLiSS has already updated their A321 documentation for X-Plane 12 beta.
It’s the time of the year where every two weeks I prune the front yard native plants back. I fill the green waste bin and then I stop. That makes it easy to not overdo it. After and (way) before photo of our California buckwheat. I left twigs of assorted sizes for wildlife.
I hope M2 Mac Minis are announced this week. X-Plane 12 goes over energy budget of my 2019 MBP (Radeon GFX), slowly draining the battery. Frame rates aren’t great but they’re mostly workable.
I replaced our two bedroom smoke detectors. The new ones have sealed 10 year batteries so no flimsy 9V cartridge to deal with. Love that these new First Alert detectors activate upon attaching to their mounts. Painless.

This is great for X-Plane quick view key bindings: Get a UI Numpad using macOS Accessibility (Easily Create Virtual UI Hotkeys!) - Tutorials - BetterTouchTool Community