Pizza night!

a hand with a pizza cutter slicing a thick crust pizza with salami, shallot, olives, cheese, and tomato sauce.

Rain in California. You got to love it after months of hazy blue sky.

Rain drops dripping from an awning and a grape vine with dark, almost black, dessicated grapes. Vibrant native vegetation is slightly blurred in the background.


Standing black & white tuxedo cat, head tilted down but eyes looking up in a super serious pose.

Extremely interesting to watch KSFO operations with a stiff wind from the south. All the approaches look bonkers landing at opposite ends of runways from normal. Like this WN904 flight-- they even had to do a Take Off/Go Around!

Beer is bottled and now to hope nothing got contaminated during the process. This is so much work. It’s hard to justify it to myself at times.

Bottling day tomorrow! Bottles are now washed and will drain & dry overnight. It’s Phat Tyre Ale.

My account on straight up vanished during their database upgrades that were meant to increase performance. Lots of people losing accounts, posts, and follows. I’ll put this mildly: screw that. But I hope they can resurrect all those accounts and data.

A quick Mars + the Moon shot

mars and the moon in a dark sky. mars looks like a star to the bottom left of the full extremely bright moon

I set up my MBP’s Hazel to sync the latest Fujifilm X RAW Studio camera profiles from my Mac Mini. Now if I’m on the go I’ll be set. Glad they’re simple JSON files (easy to edit too).

First roast of the winter!

medium rare sliced roast beef with caramelized brussels sprouts and golden brown, crispy popovers

Yellow Rumped Warbler in the grapes this time!

a warbler with slight yellow on the chest. Sits on a grape vine amidst red and green grspe leaves, it looks to the camera.

Got a Kinglet in one place for a few moments!

a small yellow Kinglet bird with white eyeliner abd white wing bars. it is peering at a cluster of grapes amongst grape leaves.

Close up of the pea sized hail and frost. The hail didn’t melt overnight!

pea sized hail on bark with a frosty seedling. A finger for scale.

First major frosty morning here.

within a residential area, frost on a roof, car, and the ground with palm trees in the distance

Pea sized hail in Orland!!

Some kind of Kinglet, maybe a Ruby Crown Kinglet, in the grapes this time. Was moving fast as birds do.

a yellowish Kinglet bird in a geape vine surrounded by grapes.

It’s hilarious to me that it’s easier for me to use the Sonos app to listen to the latest Apple Music Strombo Show. Sonos app can put the show front and center while Apple Music makes me search for Strombo cuz the Radio tab is garbage.

Western Mockingbird enjoying a desiccated grape in our backyard.

black, gray and white mockingbird in the shadow of a senescing grape plant with a dessicated grape in its beak.

Oops. Didn’t quite get the focus right. Still looks delicious. And was. Left over cranberry sauce + Humboldt Creamery vanilla ice cream.

Fujifilm X Raw Studio is very snappy with the X-T5 camera. Hardly any wait for reprocessing lossless compressed raw. Took a few seconds with the X100V, and only a split second on the X-T5 w/provided USB C cables. That makes a huge difference.