I spied a Spotted Towhee today by the Sacramento River. #Birds #BirdWatching #SpottedTowhee #Fujifilm

I spied a Spotted Towhee today by the Sacramento River. #Birds #BirdWatching #SpottedTowhee #Fujifilm
The Western Blue Birds have already discovered the new piles of grape vine trimmings that still have clusters of raisins. And one of the Mockingbirds got really intrigued about the newly pruned grapevines. #Birds #BirdWatching #BlueBirds #Mockingbird #Fujifilm
Finally pruned the bird feeding native California grapes (cultivated of course). Only had a few more weeks until they woke up! Always quite the puzzle pruning two intertwined grapes. #CaliforniaNativePlants
On January 20 at SFO, 2023. Eva Air 777-3 Reg. B-16731 arrives from Taipei with Japan Airlines 777-3 Reg. JA734J holding for takeoff to Tokyo Haneda. #PlaneSpotting #AvGeek #SFO #B777 #Fujifilm
Western Blue Birds have been in the neighborhood for a while now. Today they finally found our desiccated grapes! #Birds #BirdWatching #WesternBlueBird #Fujifilm
Just flying an A340-600 from San Francisco International into Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport. #XPlane #FlightSim #AvGeek
I’m done with 1Password. I'm tired of the 1Password 8 Safari extension breaking. The app itself is still awful with glaring limitations. The good news is, Safari password import has gotten really good. Just be sure entries have websites, true usernames, passwords. Copy security Qs etc somewhere encrypted.
Another #Caturday about to pop down into history.
I updated my iOS/macO Shortcut that takes a photo with geotag & date (preferably with timezone) from the Sharesheet and loads @flightradar24@mastodon.world playback. You’ll need a FlightRadar24 sub for beyond 7 days. It is now better at UTC conversion & URL formatting Get Shortcut
I must admit I’m going to miss certain key people & orgs on Twitter no longer showing up in NetNewsWire and likely Mastodon (@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org ‘s amazing NWS weather bots). My severance from Twitter is nearly complete. Completely caused by the Twitter itself.
My first listen to Everything Is by Neutral Milk Hotel - released yesterday. Very short. https://album.link/us/i/1659915193
Why companies use Okta device verification for accounts that rarely need to be used is mind boggling. Like I totally forgot it was a thing when I got my new phone and now I have to wait 5-7 business days to get a reset 😳
On the celebrated day of the last ever delivery of a new 747, here’s a throw back to 2005. The lone Korean Air 747 was parked at LAX and the photo with three 747s at Incheon, South Korea. #avgeek #B747
Here’s a quick & dirty iOS Shortcut that takes a photo with full geotag, date metadata (preferably with timezone) from the Sharesheet and loads @flightradar24@mastodon.world playback. Get Shortcut #AppleShortcuts #iOS
Alaska follows up on using boxed water with this is good news:
No more plastic cups for Alaska Airlines - The Points Guy thepointsguy.com/news/alas…
A Bufflehead south of the active SFO runways 28L/28R. They’re fun to watch foraging.
Thanks to my library, currently reading: The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik 📚
On BigJetTV first class+ members only live stream (part 3) on YouTube, just watched an insane departure from Toronto of an Emirates A380 literally blasting snow and ice from the sides of runway 23. Insane. #BigJetTV #A380 #AvGeek
UA59 777-322 from Frankfurt landing at San Francisco on 1/20/2023 #B77W #PlaneSpotting #avgeek #fujifilm
I love that people regularly share what music they’re excited about on mastodon. I rarely saw that in my Twitter timeline.