And here’s a rabbit at the Northern California refuge. Normally they’re at a full run. #Rabbit

And here’s a rabbit at the Northern California refuge. Normally they’re at a full run. #Rabbit
Northern Flickers have evaded my best efforts to photograph them. So this photo from today at a Northern California refuge will do for now. #Birds #NorthernFlicker
Last week I nearly missed this Great Blue Heron at the Sacramento Wildlife Refuge. #Birds #BirdWatching #GreatBlueHeron
We just hit 1 inch of rain today in the North Sacramento Valley. 😳
For several years I was in a “I hate hops in beer” phase. After having tons of not hoppy beer in Germany last year, I learned to like IPA beer like Sierra Nevada Brewery’s Powder Day. SNB is going crazy lately with a big focus on hazy & IPA beer.
Here’s the Bald Eagle from last week’s headshot in all its glory. The wildlife refuges in California are a gem.
Snow Geese from last weekend. #Birds #BirdWatching #SnowGeese
Spotted a Bald Eagle today!
X-Plane Official now has a Discord. I didn’t expect that development. Hopefully it’s well moderated. #XPlane
macOS Ventura settings and notifications (STILL getting unfixable log-in item notifications repeatedly) are a pitiful, frustrating mess but Windows, which I use at work, is still awful everywhere and missing key features I rely on in macOS so 🤷♂️ #macOS
Overnight, as often it does, a slight breeze developed in the west side of the North Sacramento Valley! No freeze for us, but can’t say the same for sheltered areas like Redding & parts of Chico. #CaWX
A hard freeze likely tonight and tomorrow night in the North Sacramento Valley. Hopefully a light breeze will keep the temps higher. Tonight we did cover up our young trees. Cold days means bees have not been foraging -not great for our nearly full bloom nectarine. Now a freeze
Finished reading: The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️… and now starting there next book in the series, The Ask and the Answer. 📚
This was one of two batches of mandarins juiced today for this week’s breakfast 😋
I hate the MacOS login items notification that when clicked doesn’t tell me jack and furthermore the app it claims has added itself is disabled on that infernal system settings screen. I cannot figure out how to get Citrix to stop even with CleanMyMac X. 😤
A few “better” photos of last night’s brief snow around 1 am last night in Orland, CA. Around 1:15 am it went back to rain but points further north like Redding continued to get snow.
Snow in Orland, CA. Wow. #CAWx
Just a few degrees lower and Orland, CA could get snow tonight. Raining right now at 39°F. Doppler returns look softer at Red Bluff & northward… Impressive. #CaWX #RadarScope
I juiced & pasteurized two liters worth of mandarins today. The mandarins still on the tree should hold quite a while longer even with the upcoming cold snap. #HomeOrchard #Fujifilm
In X-Plane 12.04 Beta 2 I’m following United 2376 (777-2, EWR-SFO) in an A340-6. I’m barely keeping up with the 777. There's some light chop just west of Laramie, which is reflected at This latest XP beta improved weather greatly. More chores to do in cruise!