A narrow gauge steam train engine at Oybin, Saxony, Germany. June 2022. 📷 #MBApr
Last December, in Berlin, we went to the Ritter Sport store and bought what seemed like every chocolate bar except Crispy Banana. I kind of regret that. 📷 #MBApr
I was way more interested in the sunspot. Used the reverse binoculars projection method to aid in blindness prevention 📷 #MBApr #PartialEclipse 😆
The occasional donut or two may not be genuinely super-duper essential to my well-being but they’re soo good in the moment! 📷 #MBApr
Here’s a windy 2019 August day at Coyote Point, just south of San Francisco International Airport. Some activities: plane spotting, kitesurfing, and cosplay (two of these I was not expecting) 📷 #MBApr
Death Valley National Park can seem incredibly (and perhaps dangerously) serene 📷 #MBApr
Last weekend, fresh foliage adorn our stalwart oaks of Northern California. The interior coast range’s Snow Mountain looms in the background. 📷 #MBApr
A M4.8 earthquake northeast of Chico just happened. I didn’t feel it. But my Raspberry Shake REALLY felt it. #RaspberryShake #California #Earthquake
Ever played with Guinness themed cards at Lassen National Park? Eight years ago, we did! 📷 #MBApr
Pear flowers! This year our two Asian pear trees bloomed simultaneously. Good bet they cross pollinated 📷 #MBApr
Absolutely massive earthquake in Taiwan. Detected by my Raspberry Shake seismometer. It was fortunately 35 km deep. Hoping for the best. #RaspberryShake #Earthquake #Taiwan
I’m going to try participating in micro.blog’s April photo challenge. So each day in April I’ll post one photo based on a word given by micro.blog. I’ve skipped the last few challenges.
This big espresso toy at Eddie World in Beatty, Nevada, is ridiculously complex! #MBApr
Flying Swallows are tough to photograph. They are speedy! Here’s an assortment of Cliff Swallows #Birds #BirdPhotography
I never appreciated how electric ovens do not exhaust heat like gas ovens. This new oven of ours (with induction cooktop) will be nice during the summer. For the induction, there’s been a learning curve. Mostly that heat is instant and boiling is FAST. Using a pressure cooker is crazy efficient.
My watch today basically told me to breathe. There was no good reason for the surge of adrenaline at the start of a Teams call. If it weren’t for a beta blocker, my HR would have easily climbed above 120 BPM and I’d been hosed the rest of the day above 90. I’m unusually tired though.
Death Valley Road Trip Part 7
Monday, March 25, 2024
This is the last post in this Death Valley photo log. After the short hike at Mosaic Canyon, it began to rain pretty decently, so we headed back to Furnace Creek.
Death Valley Road Trip Part 6
Sunday, March 24, 2024
This is a slightly shorter post today for just Mosaic Canyon.
Death Valley Road Trip Part 5
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Most of the second full day at Death Valley!
Death Valley Road Trip Part 4
Friday, March 22, 2024
Following the lake at Badwater, we went reversed course to the north.
Death Valley Road Trip Part 3
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Continuing from the Stove-Pipe Wells village, we went to an actual Stove-Pipe Well just to the north.