Death Valley Road Trip Part 7
Monday, March 25, 2024
This is the last post in this Death Valley photo log. After the short hike at Mosaic Canyon, it began to rain pretty decently, so we headed back to Furnace Creek.
Monday, March 25, 2024
This is the last post in this Death Valley photo log. After the short hike at Mosaic Canyon, it began to rain pretty decently, so we headed back to Furnace Creek.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
This is a slightly shorter post today for just Mosaic Canyon.
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Most of the second full day at Death Valley!
Friday, March 22, 2024
Following the lake at Badwater, we went reversed course to the north.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Continuing from the Stove-Pipe Wells village, we went to an actual Stove-Pipe Well just to the north.
Monday, March 18, 2024
We had been talking about visiting Death Valley for many years. We finally did it! Here is the first post in a series.
Rainbow Canyon near Death Valley
At Death Valley, a Crow Apparently Begs
Woodpecker granaries are really neat. This one was right on a trail at Pinnacles NP. We did see an acorn woodpecker nearby though the photo isn’t great.
Last weekend: just a taste of the views you can have at Pinnacles National Park, California, if you take the the High Peaks Trail. #PinnaclesNationalPark #Fujifilm #GeologyMakesThePhoto
Last weekend: in its most happiest habitat, predominantly here are Yellow Monkeyflowers within massive rocks at Pinnacles National Park, California. #MonkeyFlowers #PinnaclesNationalPark
The 2013 Dresden Christmas Market. Guaranteed to make you cheerful no matter how cold it is.
Here’s me on the Snyder Creek trail gazing at the talus field, but still wanting to be out of there (rockfall is the reason for this talus). This is pretty near the end of the trail where there’s a camping area and a paternoster(?) lake, Snyder Lake.
Back in September we visited Glacier National Park. We didn't take the Going to the Sun Road, but opted for the lesser traveled Snyder Creek trail. Here's a couple of fuzzy caterpillars taken with a Fujifilm X100V.
With insanity at European airports I’m thankful our early June trip to Germany was nearly flawless. We 😷managed to not get Corona (we tested ourselves before leaving though the US lifted that requirement while we were there). Almost 4 years of planning! Photo is Frankfurt Intl
Beetle killed trees in Saxony, Germany.
June 6 in Munich.
June 6, 2022: the higher regional court building in Munich (Oberlandesgericht München).
Germany trip recap: some 787-9 photos while boarding FRA-DEN. I love it when boarding is at a stand and not a gate.
I’m thrilled with this view of Frankfurt International from my hotel room. Great place to end this trip.
Obligatory photo of surfers at the Eisbachwelle in Munich’s English Garden.
Eurasian Coots in the Pagodenburger See at the Schloss Nymphenburg in Munich.
Elk at Point Reyes National Seashore, California. Last March.
From last Monday near Tomales Point in beautiful California, a genus Arctia moth caterpillar on lupins.
Random aircraft photo of mine from 2005 at Incheon International Airport, Republic of South Korea. You won’t see lined up 747s like this anymore.
From Maui earlier this month: a few more early mornings with Haleakala.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Here’s a collection of sea turtle parts while on Maui earlier this month. I made ample use of the X100V’s continuous shooting mode, getting several hundred photos and out of those only about six with clearly identifiable turtle parts. They’re amazing creatures and I can spend hours watching them from a distance that won’t stress them out. You will likely need to tap on a photo to zoom in to see details of the turtle part(s) :-)
Dragon’s Teeth at Kapalua, Hawaii.
Playing with Bulb on my X100V. 7 second exposure of Haleakala at nautical dawn. So cool that I can control the shutter with my phone.
Ethereal light shafts in a coastal forest (Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in California). From 2015.