
Now that is a clear, unambiguous seismic signal! M3.7 near Willows, CA. I didn’t feel it. #RaspberryShake

iOS Shortcut: RaspberryShake Helicorder 24 Hour PDT Plot

I’ve a RaspberryShake that serves up helicorder plots. By default, they’re in UTC. My brain isn’t yet wired to convert UTC to PDT (my local time). So I’ve modified my original shortcut to overlay PDT onto the left Y-axis. Someday I’ll make this a bit more sophisticated such as switching to standard time or be fully international. As with the last Shortcut, this one assumes your Shake is resolved at rs.

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This seems like a legit earthquake signal. Happened in the middle of the night April 2nd so cultural noise is minimal.

#Earthquake recorded on the #RaspberryShake #CitizenScience seismic network. See what’s shaking near you with the @raspishake #ShakeNet mobile app

iOS Shortcut: RaspberryShake Helicorder 24 Hour Plot

I rapidly made a iOS 14 Shortcut that automatically pulls the last 24 hours of helicorder plots from your #RaspberryShake (it assumes a rs.local hostname). Handy to have on the Home Screen. Let me know if there’s any problems. If you’re not in the US west coast, you’ll need to adjust to UTC from your time zone (look for Add 7 hours). Get it here. Older 3/28 Shortcut version