Our apricot is almost ready to overwinter. The nectarine at the bottom left is being a bit stubborn. California wild rose at the bottom right is in full growth mode.

Our apricot is almost ready to overwinter. The nectarine at the bottom left is being a bit stubborn. California wild rose at the bottom right is in full growth mode.
Perfect field weather today.
Sourdough biscuits for breakfast today. With the X100V, learning manual focus & judicious aperture settings are key for food. And willing use of the flash. The flash on this camera is good! But don’t use the Velvia Film Simulation with flash as shadows get a very blue cast.
We’ve got patty melts and a cat tonight, but no Aurora.
Oh hello there! 👋
I love not spending tons of time processing RAW by using Fujifilm X100V’s Film Simulations. These on-camera JPEGs look great and Fujifilm X Raw Studio makes slight tweaks using the original RAW a breeze. Definitely getting all value out of this fun camera.
Fridge water dispenser started leaking. Its valve refuses to completely close. This has been an on and off problem but now is permanent. I had to remove the water line junction because there’s no valve. Plumbing is the worst as I never trust that my connections are leak free🤞
This little backyard lizard lives underneath that cinder block.
Chocolate chip with walnut cookie connections.
Turkey taquitos. Fried. Meaning delicious.
So much rain and soon far too much in too few days. 1” total so far this month.
This morning after 0.55” rain. The clouds cleared out astonishingly fast.
No rest for birds this time of the year. Here’s a Yellow Rumped Warbler (lower right) and Lesser Gold Finch (upper left) in our cultivated native grapes.
Our cat utilizing all her available space.
I don’t do sports but I have a backyard.
Bird bath mirror.
First measurable precipitation of the 2022 water year in Orland, CA! 🎉
As a follow up, I’ve updated an older Fujifilm Get Film Simulation iOS Shortcut to now include ACROS and Monochrome simulations. This has only been tested on JPEGs from an X100V. Get this not well tested iOS Shortcut here.. For everyone else, enjoy a stuffing waffle using the Velvia film simulation.
Cooler weather = bread baking season. My partner made Sourdough specifically for stuffing. Excellent priorities.
Ethereal light shafts in a coastal forest (Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park in California). From 2015.
Perma-loc splice is an okay fix for drip tape punctured by fighting cats. Please keep your cats indoors. Cats are destructive of not only wildlife but also your neighbor’s stuff.
Of all the animals we see in our backyard, the western toad is our favorite. It was very loud tonight in the leaves. Just look at that foot!!
Hygge in the neighborhood. Hygge is part of today’s micro.blog challenge.
M6.9 earthquake in Alaska registered on my RaspberryShake.
There’s now a Thai restaurant where I live! Pretty decent for a small town.
Last night’s constellation of the moon, Venus, and street light at one of the bridges over I-5.
I wouldn’t feel safe flying in that biplane! Almost as bad as a helicopter.
Celebrated mom’s birthday today with chicken fried steak (one of her favorites)! A great day.
A Feijoa sellowiana of ours got very stressed this summer because of a clogged irrigation emitter. It is now flowering out of season. A nice surprise.
At just about Civil Twilight tonight.