Soggy House Finch.

Soggy House Finch.
Soggy house finches and house sparrows (maybe a fox sparrow too) sheltering on grape vines from the wind and desperately needed rain.
Caseta dimmer switches are easier since they don’t care about hot versus load wires. But the jokers that lived here before connected the upper switch ground directly to the lower switch and… didn’t connect the actual house ground. Also daisy chaining like that is not the way. 🤬
I’m getting really good at installing Caseta switches. A no-contact voltage tester pen is key for safety & to get the hot wire right the first time.
First beer I ever brewed is now bottled and will be carbonating for a few weeks. I tasted it and it is definitely a Hefeweizen. ~4.3% ABV. Not quite 5.1% listed on the product page but I had ~3°F swings in temperature around 68°F. Two weeks and it’ll be ready to drink! 🤞🍻
Beer bottle label graveyard. Tomorrow is bottling day.
Moravian star - the most festive our house gets on the exterior.
Our front yard cultivated native fuchsias are still blooming. All summer, with minimal added water, and into winter. Amazing plants.
The household chef making sandwich melts. I was just trying out the Kodak T-Max 400 film “recipe” found at FujiXWeekly.
Mural at La Corona Mexican Restaurant, Orland, CA.
Turkey Milanese. A great use of leftover white meat.
Turkey Pho (well, inspired by Pho).
Stuffing waffles for post-Thanksgiving breakfast is now 100% a tradition.
My partner in crime sure does know how to cook a golden, juicy bird.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 →
Earlier this month In Lahaina, Maui, two Java Sparrows (Padda oryzivora) silently discussing the two intrusive humans below them.
For the first time, tried a very simple beer brewing. This is Hank’s Hefeweizen. I’m fermenting in the tub because I worry about leaks despite an hours long leak test last night. It’s already bubbling!
From Maui earlier this month: Waihe’e Ridge Trail. A very popular choice these days. It’s in much better condition than the last time we hiked it in 2015. I recall a big storm washed out the trail, closing it for a while. They did a great job!
Was trying to take a casual picture of The Annie Cat and…
From Maui earlier this month: a few more early mornings with Haleakala.
From Maui earlier this month: sunset on a boat. While we mostly enjoyed the sunset cruise, we learned that we are firmly terrestrial people and won’t bother with boats again. Unless it is a ferry in exceedingly calm waters (like the San Francisco Bay).
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Here’s a collection of sea turtle parts while on Maui earlier this month. I made ample use of the X100V’s continuous shooting mode, getting several hundred photos and out of those only about six with clearly identifiable turtle parts. They’re amazing creatures and I can spend hours watching them from a distance that won’t stress them out. You will likely need to tap on a photo to zoom in to see details of the turtle part(s) :-)
Saw a beautiful orchid today.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 →
From the left: Jupiter, Moon, Saturn. Then just the moon.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 →
Haleakala as the morning sun peaks over. Then crepuscular rays! The first time I ever noticed them.
Dragon’s Teeth at Kapalua, Hawaii.
Playing with Bulb on my X100V. 7 second exposure of Haleakala at nautical dawn. So cool that I can control the shutter with my phone.
Sunrises and Haleakala on Maui, Hawaii never get old.
I didn’t get why people include grain in their digital photos, thinking it is an anachronistic hipster thing. I’ve fully come around and find grain added by my camera can make photos seem sharper yet give blur and subjects more character. Photos feel better with grain.
Closer look at a senescing apricot leaf compared to a still green leaf.