Native Garden

Front yarden update: California Buckwheat’s dead flowers are showy red and the Blue Oak has decided it is winter. California fuchsias still have flowers for the hummingbirds. Front of the house illuminated by mostly bug friendly amber lights. 🐞🐝

Front yard native plants currently in bloom: Epilobium canum (California Fuchsia; red flowers adored by hummingbirds) and Baccharis pilularis (Coyote Bush; small, pleasantly scented white flowers loved by small pollinators).

Barely photographed a bee on our holy basil. They were extremely shy and did not loiter. 🐝

Western toads in the backyard 🐝😍

A front yard native garden update! Fuchsias & Cal Buckwheat are still flowering. Coyote bushes are struggling to flower (tiny pollinators love them). The Blue Oak has no complaints. Poppies & yarrow are back after a couple of soggy thunderstorms. Toyon barely has berries.

Praying Mantis on the grapevine. 🐝

Another very good Praying Mantis hanging out in my front yard. 🐝

This Preying Mantis (or others like her) has been hanging out on one of our California wild grape vines for a few days now. It’s lovely to have critters take refuge in our plants. 🐝

California Wild Rose (Rosa californica) flowers are incredibly fragile. This backyard plant became quite happy when I added it to the drip irrigation.🐞

The audio sync feature on Apple’s tvOS 13 is πŸ‘Œ Also, here’s a🌈 🌈

Epilobium canum (California Fuchsia) keeping pollinators, including hummingbirds, happy.

Mantis enjoying the accommodations of our little Blue Oak.

Anna’s Hummingbirds fighting over native fuchsias!