Mount Lassen from Brokeoff Mountain, October 2019. The trail up Brokeoff is arduous with a massive payoff
Death Valley Road Trip Part 5
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Most of the second full day at Death Valley!
Weather was nice today! Summer is waning and so I guess outdoor photography season can begin. Here are a few dragonflies enjoying an overcast and hazy day. #Fujifilm
Woodpecker granaries are really neat. This one was right on a trail at Pinnacles NP. We did see an acorn woodpecker nearby though the photo isn’t great.
Gorgeous day today in Northern California. This is from the same place where we saw the Northern Flickers (and Nutall’s and Acorn Woodpeckers).

Here’s me on the Snyder Creek trail gazing at the talus field, but still wanting to be out of there (rockfall is the reason for this talus). This is pretty near the end of the trail where there’s a camping area and a paternoster(?) lake, Snyder Lake.
California Corn Lilies contrast with a burned Forest. There’s possibly shallow groundwater below this patch.
A Shooting Star (Primula) flower in the August Complex burn area about 1/4 mile north below the summit of Black Butte.
Glacier Lily (Erythronium grandiflorum) from near the summit of Black Butte in California’s northern Coast Range. Rocks always make a photo great, but I am biased.

Finally had a chance to visit the summit of Black Butte on the Mendocino NF. About time. A geologist’s wonderland: several identifiable glacial landforms (been deglaciated for an undetermined time AFAIK), metabasalt, gneiss, and 360° views.
Nothing but pleasant emotions with a view like this. I wish this were my backyard but so glad I had the presence of mind to take this photo. Hidden Lakes area, Lassen National Forest.
Daytripping in mid-October can result in this view of Mount Lassen from Brokeoff Mountain. 2019.
Fissures bisect land in the Yolla Bolly-Middle Eel Wilderness. The massive landslide is moving to the left. Late 2019.
Shooting Star or Primula hendersonii (maybe) at Hidden Lakes, Lassen National Forest last Friday 6/12.
Hidden Lakes, Lassen National Forest
Saturday, June 13, 2020
We went on a hike to the Hidden Lakes in the Caribou Wilderness on the Lassen National Forest. It started at the Hay Meadows Trail Head, north of Lake Almanor, California. It was six miles of relatively flat hiking with periodic steep inclines. The trails were not at all crowded, though we brought masks just in case. We saw a male Western Tanager (bird). I cropped to zoom: A closer view, using Pixelmator Pro’s ML Super Resolution with crop:
Wednesday, November 20, 2019 →
Armillaria mellea. Honey mushroom 🥾

Looking toward Saint John Mountain from near Fouts Springs, CA. Chaparral plants.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019 →
Visited some tree frogs in the forest today. Pseudacris sierra.
A very good lake. 🥾

Yesterday: Mount Shasta from near Mount Linn. 🥾

Trees & rocks. 🥾

Mount Lassen. 🥾

I neglected to post a photo of Lassen National Park’s Brokeoff Mountain. The hike to its summit was 👌🥾

I love a sun-dappled wet meadow with accenting volcanic rocks! Yesterday, on the trail to Brokeoff Mountain in Lassen National Park.🥾

Today: Mount Lassen from Brokeoff Mountain.🥾